

This year I included my own "Pollination Station" in my garden. I planted a row of marigolds and gladiolas in the middle of my garden in anticipation of attracting some more pollinator's to come to work! 

I had a great surprise when a large swallowtail butterfly was humming around on my marigolds one evening.

I love butterflies. I am always intrigued and inspired by their journey. Butterflies remind me of Romans 12:2.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. -Romans 12:2

Butterflies resemble the process of sanctification.

If you feel like you've gone too far to change, never forget the lowly caterpillar who's belly scraped the ground. 

Never forget the loneliest dark season of the cocoon.

Don't forget how that beautiful butterfly got those wings.

Vulnerability, isolation, darkness, are all things we must endure.

But trust, trust is what takes us from the worm to the wings.


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