Blooms Bring Rebirth

Blooms Bring Rebirth

Welcome to April's focus concept, Blooms Bring Rebirth.

Every spring I am left in awe at how it seems like slowly, yet suddenly winter becomes spring. It's a gradual process and yet so quick we forget what winter even looked like just a few weeks back.

We have seasons in our lives that resembles this season, the season we are in right now. That season of ANTICIPATION. We can't wait to roll the windows down and feel the warm breeze on our skin. We have our garden's planned and our flowers picked out. We may all have those DIY project lists written down just waiting for that perfect day to begin.

Spring is the season of rebirth.

What was lost and destroyed through the darkness of winter, is coming back to life and we are so anxious for it that we are actively seeking signs of it each day.

But, maybe winter left a little sting in your heart?

Maybe it feels like the "never ending winter", as I may have echoed from my mouth as I pumped gas in the sleet this week. It's sharp razor like blades pelting my skin. The skin I so desperately wish the warmth of the sun would warm out the coldness I feel in my soul some days.

Oh sun, bring me back to life.

Winter's have a way of permeating through us like frost. We warm on the edges and yet inside, outside from the sun, we are still cold, wounded and aching. 

So we are here, with days of snow flurries ahead for us yet here. And also days of abundant sunshine and promise. Slowly, day by day we will inch closer to the most beautiful art of re-creation as the Blooms Bring Rebirth.

This month, let us find these small moments of watching the blooms, the way they bud, unfurl and flower. Notate the time it takes, the weather they will wear and the promise they hold of a new season ahead.

Let us not rush, let us slow down, let us breathe in a season of re-creation in nature, but also inside of us.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -2 Corinthians 5:17

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